Errh... I'm on fire now! That's why it's maybe a bit confusing (?) for non-Finnish people I'm going to make this a Kupoli's Impromanga III-entry. Just because I feel like it - though I got a piece of inspiration from
someone's entry :P. (What's the Impromanga I'm speaking of? A Finnish web comic which you should definitely give a try if you just can read the language!) /Unofficial, fan-made Ad ends here/
I was cleaning my folders when I realised I had many earlier versions of my random (fan) Impro page; the final version is also on my dA to see.

1. A finished pencil sketch (hahaha)

2. Inked!

3. And ready to go.

A sketch of the main hero I found on the last page of my notebook. He's looking way too young...

Maybe there too. Where has gone my ability to draw older men.

Over and out.